State of the Woman Address – Emcee
Teresa Smith is the catalyst for finding your unique soul language. As a Soul Coach, she is dedicated to helping her clients take the head seat at the table of love, joy, peace, happiness, and true freedom.
Her gifts of intuition and bypassing the ego to deeply connect with people’s inner self makes way for her to help them identify and create their desired outcomes then reframe their experiences through mindset reset, intentional speaking, wholesome life choices, and cultivating better relationships.
Teresa understands that by allowing our soul to be the guide that navigates us through this human experience, our path becomes clearer affording us the opportunity to flow without resistance. Through this unfoldment, we can then consciously choose to release negative thoughts and disconnect from emotions that no longer serve us – to become who we are created to be. She has learned, when we are willing to follow our inner knowing and fearlessly explore our desires, our dreams, our soul’s mission – when you are willing to invest in YOU – there comes the understanding of what it means to thrive living as the ever-evolving yet very best version of you.
Teresa is also a holistic Doula and Councilwoman for the City of Palmetto, GA.