SOTWA2022 Ambassador Content

Welcome #SOTWA2022 Ambassadors!

You can download the images and copy/paste the captions below to post to your social media accounts. This group will be updated each week until the conference. Feel free to edit or replace the captions in your own words!

Jan 19

“I just don’t understand it!”

“It’s a scam. I’m not interested.”

Sound familiar? When I want to find out about something, a sales pitch just makes me mad. I decided to go to the Crypto Conference at #SOTWA2022 because I know I won’t get sold anything (except maybe a t-shirt – but they’re hot, so that’s okay.) 

Join me next Saturday to learn real facts about cryptocurrency in a no-pressure environment with other women like you and me. Tickets at!

When I make it to the top, I want you there with me, Sis. Let’s go top the @stateofthewomanaddress and learn together.

Grab your ticket at and sit with me at #SOTWA2022! (or network with me online – I’m flexible and I’ll have my laptop)

Jan 12

African Americans are the leading ethnicity investing in digital currency. Yahoo News

I want to be a part of this financial revolution, and I want you there on January 29, too.

Get your tickets at

Why am I promoting the @stateofthewomanaddress? Because I want to connect to other purpose-driven women who are building generational wealth.

I want to learn, and then earn. On January 29, I’m taking control of my financial life. If you’re serious about 2022 being better than 2021 (and 2020, let’s be honest) – come with me!

Grab your ticket to come through live or online at

Have you ever wanted to get into trading? Crypto investing is just like stock trading. You can start slow, and take limited risks. Maybe get a little more adventurous down the line.

I’m going to learn how to do this the right way. I’m going to #SOTWA2022

Tickets start at $97. My future wealth is worth it. Is yours?

Get your seat now at

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Jan 5

Hey! I’m about my wealth building in 2022 and it all starts with getting the knowledge I need to make informed choices. That’s why I’m going to #SOTWA2022 – The Crypto Conference! Want in? Get your tickets at

The State of the Woman Address is an annual gathering of women (and men brave enough to participate) learning and sharing knowledge to improve their, health, wealth, and spiritual growth.

You can attend online or live at the Hilton Atlanta Airport hotel! Get your tickets now at

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.